AJA Diskover Media Edition icon and logo for dark background representing the partnership between AJA Video Systems and Diskover Data to offer a data management and data curation software to resolve the media asset file management problems by offering a global index view of unstructured data, data analysis, storage cost management tools, and media and entertainment specific plugins.
Rapid constant inflow of large datasets.
Finding data and moving it throughout the workflow.
Stagnation of completed project data.
Protect production network while streamlining processes for productivity.
18 distributed filesystems and cloud storage providers.
Central global dashboard of entire data estate.
Single point of integration for business systems.
Harmonize geolocations with different teams, accesses, and pipelines.
Xytech finance system invoice status drives tiering and data lifecycle.
Workflow system manages data placement in time for processing.
Data retention automated in line with customers’ SLAs.
Telestream integration allows action and visibility without access.
Thousands of operational hours saved. 
Productivity and throughput improved.
Proactive data estate management.

Overcoming media-specific challenges.

In theatrical workflows, protecting content from piracy is critical. Facilities often maintain two separate networks: one with internet access and another with a secure production network with strict access controls. However, roles like Customer Service, Artists, Producers, and Operations still need to search for production assets. The AJA Diskover Media Edition provides visibility to locate content without granting direct access to the assets.

Addressing the growing challenges of shorter deadlines and heavier workloads, the AJA Diskover Media Edition targets the key pain points in media workflows. By collaborating closely with leading clients, we ensure our solutions meet the specific needs of the Media and Entertainment industry.

All the powerful core features plus multiple industry-tailored plugins.

In 2021, Diskover Data partnered with AJA Video Systems to create the AJA Diskover Media Edition, exclusively sold and distributed by AJA. Building on Diskover’s impressive core features, this version adds specialized tools tailored for the Media and Entertainment industry.

Leveraging their combined expertise, the teams developed features to streamline media file-based workflows, protect production networks, and maximize asset monetization.

Not a MAM, a DAM, or a storage solution.

Diskover doesn’t store or ingest your files—it simply indexes their metadata, such as file location, name, size, modified date, type, resolution, codec, invoice date, project status, and more. This means end-users access a read-only index of files, not the files themselves, ensuring the security of your source assets and production network.

Think of data storage as a tree. Diskover lets you see the entire forest without losing a single leaf.

Telestream GLIM Logo, an integrated Plugin with the AJA Diskover Media Edition
Xytech MediaPulse Logo, a Plugin Integrated by Diskover Data Curation Software
Logo of a Channel and Technical Partner of Diskover Data Management Solution
Oxagile logo, a Diskover Data technology partner
Autodesk Logo, a technological partner of Diskover Data

Studio portal into post-houses content.

Are you a production studio with a lack of visibility into your projects?

Diskover’s unique scanning architecture allows production studios to keep track of their projects/data sitting at different post-houses.

The index of all content is stored within a cloud-based Elasticsearch repository, enabling robust search capabilities across all studios and project locations for both the Production Studio and its suppliers.

Diskover’s unique architecture allows production studios to keep track of their projects/data sitting at different post-houses. Diskover provides up-to-date indexes of all files both on- premise and in S3 buckets. The distributed architecture enables the components responsible for index tasks to be geographically distributed to proximity of storage repositories being indexed. The distributed architecture provides Production Studios the ability to have a “portal” into their scattered projects/data distributed among post facilities providing content services. The search indexes can be integrated into existing Production Studios’ pipelines via robust, open, industry- standard APIs. In addition, Diskover has off-the-shelf plugins to enrich common scheduling and media packages, like Xytech, Telestream Vantage and Glim, CineViewer, and more.
Diskover’s unique architecture allows production studios to keep track of their projects/data sitting at different post-houses. Diskover provides up-to-date indexes of all files both on- premise and in S3 buckets. The distributed architecture enables the components responsible for index tasks to be geographically distributed to proximity of storage repositories being indexed. The distributed architecture provides Production Studios the ability to have a “portal” into their scattered projects/data distributed among post facilities providing content services. The search indexes can be integrated into existing Production Studios’ pipelines via robust, open, industry- standard APIs. In addition, Diskover has off-the-shelf plugins to enrich common scheduling and media packages, like Xytech, Telestream Vantage and Glim, CineViewer, and more.

Media Info.

Search, analyze, and automate using your files’ awesome attributes.

If a source file lacks media attributes, those fields simply won’t be harvested or available for use within Diskover.

Media attributes summary in the search page.

Screenshot of Diskover file attributes showing an example of media metadata collected during indexing, for example resolution, codec, duration, etc. as viewed via the file search page.

File attributes with detailed media info.

Screenshot of Diskover file attributes showing an example of media metadata collected during indexing when using the AJA Diskover Media Edition, ex: resolution, codec, duration, etc.

CineViewer Player.

Logo of a Channel and Technical Partner of Diskover Data Management Solution

The CineViewer Player is designed to securely view high-resolution media from a remote browser without giving users access to the source files.

Through the Diskover user interface, CineViewer allows for seamless validation of media assets, therefore increasing productivity, while safeguarding your production network.

The CineViewer Player is developed by CineSys LLC, a major technological and channel partner working with both Diskover Data and AJA Video Systems.

Screenshot of the Diskover user interface showing how to seamlessly launch the CineViewer Player from our integrated file actions. CineViewer developed by and sold by AJA Video Systems, partners of Diskover Data.
With Diskover, end-users can effortlessly locate the desired file and launch CineViewer with a single click through our integrated File Actions. This plugin allows you to view videos and images directly, eliminating the need to create and store proxies.
Screenshot of the Diskover Cinesys CineViewer Player that be launched in one click via Diskover File Actions.

Autodesk Flow Production Tracking.

Autodesk Logo, a technological partner of Diskover Data

A wealth of production status metadata.

The Flow Production Tracking (formerly ShotGrid) Plugin is designed to enhance basic metadata with detailed production status information, aligning data management with production schedules. The Diskover Flow Production Tracking Plugin can harvest over a hundred attributes from the Autodesk Flow Production Tracking platform for every shot directory located on storage. These attributes become properties of the shot directories and include status information such as finaled, out-of-picture, multiple project tracking dates, and many more, totaling around one hundred indexable fields.

These searchable business context attributes enable very precise data management decision-making via granular reporting, and can easily be engaged in workflows and File Actions. A representative workflow might be to archive all shots directories 30 days after their status has been updated to finaled.

For each shot directory within Diskover, the Flow Production Tracking attributes basically become a property of that directory. All fields/metadata harvested become searchable, reportable, and actionable within Diskover.

Diskover user interface still uses ShotGrid.

Attributes in the Diskover user interface.

Diskover's search page shows Autodesk ShotGrid attributes indexed and summarized in a dedicated column.
Search page showing a dedicated column with a summary of the Flow Production Tracking attributes.
Diskover's attributes window shows partial Autodesk ShotGrid attributes indexed. Diskover can index 100 attributes from ShotGrid giving business context for data findability, analysis, and workflow.
Detailed Flow Production Tracking indexed fields can be found in the Diskover attributes window.

Sample of analytics using Autodesk Flow Production Tracking media-centric attributes.

By status code.

The Diskover Reports screenshot details the amount of data for each of the Autodesk ShotGrid shot status codes.

By sequence.

This Diskover Reports screenshot details the amount of data for each of the Autodesk ShotGrid sequences.

By creator.

This Diskover Reports screenshot details the amount of data for each individual who created the Autodesk ShotGrid shots.

Xytech Asset Creation.

UPDATE: Since the recording of this demo, the asset ID number now has its own field instead of being in a tag format.

Post facilities often have customers’ assets that have been archived and lack findability, visibility, and searchability, and therefore, the opaque nature of these assets makes them difficult to reuse or repurpose. Companies with years of such archived assets have often stored these on tape media or removable hard drives, which are frequently stored in a physical vault.

Assets were often stored on such “offline” media due to costs; however, with the advent of cloud and object storage, the economics are now making it viable to store such vaulted assets on more “online media.” Simply putting these assets onto online media does not necessarily make these assets findable in context or within the facility’s order management system.

The plugin assumes that assets restored to online media are placed into a folder using a specific naming convention. The information is added to the asset within Xytech, and the asset number is assigned as a field to the file within the Diskover Index.

Media asset in Xytech.

Screenshot of the Xytech Media Operations Platform software showing how Diskover harvests business context metadata via its Xytech asset creation plugin, making those attributes searchable within both Diskover and Xytech. The focus of this plugin is to be able to curate data based on media assets' rehydration. This feature is only available by purchasing the AJA Diskover Media Edition annual subscription and is sold exclusively by AJA Video Systems, Inc.
Asset number as shown in the Xytech application following an asset rehydration.

Diskover search page.

Image representing the Diskover file search page reflecting the Xytech MediaPulse asset ID number column in the results pane following the rehydration of assets using the MediaPulse asset creation plugin
Diskover user interface, file search page showing the Xytech asset number ID as its own searchable and reportable field.

Diskover attributes window.

Image representing the Diskover file attributes reflecting the Xytech MediaPulse asset ID number following the rehydration of assets using the MediaPulse asset creation plugin
File attributes showing the Xytech asset number ID as its own searchable and reportable field.

The Xytech Media Operations Platform order status plugin is designed to automate the correlation of the order management system and the storage system, by harvesting key business context from Xytech and applying that context within the AJA Diskover Media Edition. In turn, this business context metadata can be used to automate workflows, curate data, monitor costs, create highly customized reports, and search granularly.

Facilities often manually correlate the order management system with the storage repositories. However, manual processes are subject to human errors and difficult to scale as the volume of media orders and data turnover increases constantly.

Therefore, the lack of integration for file-based workflows between the order management system and the underlying storage repositories makes data management decisions difficult as they are solely based on attributes of files or objects on storage. Additional business context is needed from the order management system to increase the precision and accuracy of data management decisions.

An instance of key information might be the invoice date for a work order. A status change for a work order can be a key indicator for data management; for example, once a Xytech media order has been “invoiced”, then the data associated with that media order can be a candidate for archival.

Sample of analytics using Xytech Order Status media-centric attributes.

Below are some examples of Diskover’s customizable analytics, leveraging order status attributes harvested from the Autodesk Flow Production Tracking platform. These attributes add valuable business context to standard data. Users can craft tailored queries and define the number of top results to display in a clear and comprehensive overview.

In line with an organization’s guidelines, decisions can be streamlined to free up substantial storage space—whether by migrating finaled data to a cost-effective asset preservation platform or deleting it after client delivery. This entire process can be effortlessly automated using Diskover’s integrated workflows.

By order status.

Example of customized Reports within Diskover using order phase attributes harvested from Xytech Order Status Plugin available with the AJA Diskover Media Edition, giving business context for granular results.

By account manager.

Example of customized Reports within Diskover using account manager attributes harvested from Xytech order status Plugin available with the AJA Diskover Media Edition, giving business context for granular results.

Media order in Xytech.

Screenshot of the Xytech Media Operations Platform software showing how Diskover harvests business context metadata via its Xytech order status plugin, making those attributes searchable within both Diskover and Xytech. The focus of this plugin is to be able to curate data based on the order status and service agreement. This feature is only available by purchasing the AJA Diskover Media Edition annual subscription and is sold exclusively by AJA Video Systems, Inc.
Icon representing three forward arrows representing workflows being automated via plugins, for example the Diskover Telestream Vantage plugin.

Media order in Xytech.

Example of order status attributes harvested from Xytech during Diskover indexing. Each field can be individually searched for granular results.

xytech.phase: Invoiced

xytech.account_manager: Al Findstuff

xytech.begin_date: 2022-07-19T17:00:00-07:00

xytech.due_date: 2022-07-19T21:00:00-07:00

xytech.invoice_id: 761934

xytech.invoice_date: 2022-07-21T10:08:00-07:00

Telestream GLIM.

This plugin results in a seamless integration with GLIM, allowing end-users to safely view and validate media files while safeguarding your source assets and production network. Diskover allows users to do advanced searches of media assets, and then launch GLIM in one click via our File Actions.

You need to have a GLIM account and be logged in previously to launch the GLIM plugin within Diskover.

Screenshot of the Diskover user interface showing how to seamlessly launch the CineViewer Player from our integrated file actions. CineViewer developed by and sold by AJA Video Systems, partners of Diskover Data.
Diskover Data Plugins Automation Forward Arrows Icon
Screenshot of Diskover opening in Telestream GLIM using File Actions

Telestream Vantage.

The Diskover Telestream Vantage Plugin allows end-users to submit files for transcoding directly from the Diskover user interface. The major benefits:

  • The plugin eliminates many steps from going back and forth between the two softwares.
  • Vantage offers several transcoding options which can be confusing to non-technical users > the plugin allows for limiting the number of options to only the ones relevant to the end-users.
  • Creating a Vantage account for an end-user is intensive as it requires complex and time consuming configurations > end-users access Vantage from Diskover and then only need to access Job Status.
  • End-users with a Vantage account also means that they have access to your production network > the plugin keeps your network secure as the end-users only have access to read-only information via Diskover.
  • Files are very easy to find within Diskover’s global index compared to Vantage where one needs to know where to look.
  • The learning curve is quick and easy for new end-users.

Transcoding job selection example.

Image representing the choices of transcoding processes after selecting the Diskover File Action > submit to Vantage plugin.
After launching the plugin in one click, users can select the desired transcoding job. Relevant workflow options are methodically selected during the configuration of the plugin to only leave the ones needed.

Transcoding job status within Vantage.

Image representing the job status of files having been launched for transcoding process via the Diskover File Action > submit to Vantage plugin.
Status of files processing after Vantage workflow has been selected.


The objective of this workflow is to enable the Media Services personnel to create deliverable transcoded files while reducing complexity, security exposures, and human errors.

Source content often resides in production storage, which is air-gapped from both internet access and internal IT networks. Ideally, these file-based workflows operate factory-like, with files constantly moving down the production line. Integrating Diskover and Telestream enables Media Services personnel to generate low-resolution proxies without the need to provide these individuals direct access to production content.

Diskover’s global index provides high-speed search to media production content without read/write access privileges in order to find the desired source material, generally mov or mxf files. Once the desired files are located, the end-user can launch Telestream GLIM directly from the Diskover interface to preview/validate the asset, avoiding the need to switch applications and copy/paste file paths.

Once the assets are located and validated, the end-user can launch Vantage directly from the Diskover interface to create proxies to be used by localization services. All low-resolution mp4 files are generated and sent to known locations upon job submission to Vantage. The original source files are then moved to the S3 location. Since low-resolution proxies are 100% recreatable, the generated proxies can be “autocleaned” via Diskover after an established time. Should the Media Services individual need to regenerate the low-resolution proxy at some future point, the material can easily be relocated to the S3 location via Diskover, and the above workflow is repeated.

This diagram shows how Visual Data Media Services uses the Telestream Vantage and GLIM plugins in their facility for localization services. The Diskover AutoClean plugin is also part of the workflow automation.
This diagram illustrates how Vantage and GLIM integrated plugins validate, create, and send proxies for localization services at Visual Data Media Services.

Diskover has the ability to work with other applications if they have an SDK available. In the case of Telestream’s Vantage transcoding workflow platform, we have found that a combination of Diskover search tools and Vantage makes a really good team.

To eliminate the need to give users access to production content, and the ability to search through thousands of files, the Diskover team built a Vantage submit tool that directly allows to search a file, select that specific file or multiple files, and submit them to the Vantage workflow of your choice.

It’s extremely versatile and communicates very quickly. This procedure is only in its first phase so expanding it to allow workflow status submission, and more advanced workflows like audio overlay and subtitle overlays is on the road map.

Randall Derchan
IT Manager

Visual Data Media Services logo, a customer of Diskover Data

IMF Package Validator.

Oxagile logo, a Diskover Data technology partner

Validation prior to delivery, no matter the location of the user…and the IMF package data.

The Oxagile IMF Package Validator Plugin, exclusively designed for the AJA Diskover Media Edition, allows content creators, distributors, and broadcasters to validate IMF packages before delivery from a remote platform, regardless of the location of the user and the IMF package data. The main benefits are:

IMF stands for Interoperable Master Format, which is a technical standard used in the Media and Entertainment industry for the exchange of digital content between different platforms and systems. The IMF format is used to deliver high-quality video content to a variety of devices, including TVs, mobile devices, and web browsers.

Netflix requires all its content to be delivered in IMF format, which undergoes rigorous validation to ensure compliance with industry standards. The validation process involves extensive testing of the content’s video, audio, and metadata to ensure that it meets the production studios’ technical specifications and can be delivered to viewers in the highest quality possible.

Once the content has been validated, it is then encoded into various formats, including 4K and HDR, and made available for streaming on various platforms. The IMF validation process is a critical step in the content delivery pipeline, ensuring that viewers receive high-quality content that meets industry standards and can be enjoyed on a variety of devices.

“We are excited to provide this much-needed service to AJA Diskover Media Edition customers, as it will help quickly cue more content creators and providers into when their content is ready to share with their distribution partner or client by meeting IMF packaging requirements. We’re confident this will save them both time and money compared to the processes currently required to validate content.”

Matt Pinckley
US Director of Business Development

Oxagile logo, a Diskover Data technology partner

Launch validation via File Action.

AJA Diskover Media Edition - Oxagile IMF Package Validator Plugin, how to launch the file action from the search page.
The validation process can be launched in 3 different ways via File Action using the directories/packages. The process takes about 5 seconds per package.

Successful validation report.

AJA Diskover Media Edition - Oxagile IMF Package Validator Plugin, example of successful validation report.
All items inside a package need to be successfully validated for the package to be globally validated.

Detailed validation status per package.

AJA Diskover Media Edition - Oxagile IMF Package Validator Plugin Report, example of an XML status report exported following the validation process.
An XML status report can easily be exported following the validation process.

Validation status via tags.

AJA Diskover Media Edition - Oxagile IMF Package Validator Plugin, tags are associated with each package after validation giving a status of imf valid or imf not valid
Following validation, an imf valid tag or imf not valid tag is associated with each package. A new report icon is available on the search page to view a detailed report.

Failed validation report.

AJA Diskover Media Edition - Oxagile IMF Package Validator Plugin, examples of failed error messages if IMF package didn't pass the validation.
A global fail status is attributed if one, some, or all items inside a package failed the validation process. The error(s) encountered during the validation process are listed in red under each failed item.

Please Note

The current version limits verification capabilities to the latest version of the Netflix Photon tool. Cloud storage, archives, and DCP packages are currently not supported.

Find File Sequences.

Always aiming for maximum efficiency, Diskover offers its users to find all files in a sequence via the File Action menu, with a single click, either the sequence is broken down or not.

Comprehensive report.

Screenshot of the results when launching Diskover File Action File Sequences.

Launch in one click via File Action.

Screenshot of how to launch Diskover File Action File Sequences in a single click.

EDL Check & Upload/Download.

Allows authorized users without read/write access to production storage to verify the validity of EDL (Edit Decision List) files.

IMF Change Report.

Generates a list of IMF image changes in both human-readable format and machine-readable EDL, referencing the updated media.

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